Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the end.

In this blog one simple question was asked; is technology’s influence on human interaction a positive or a negative one? I’ve discussed 3 different types of technology; cell phones (text messaging), the internet and mp3 players. For the most part technology has a positive influence on human interactions. This blog for example is interactive some people even responded to some of my entries, which makes it a bit more interesting because I’m learning about other people’s views on the subject as I go. Without the help of technology I wouldn’t be able to submit this project. Technology makes human interactions easier and when used in moderation is a great source of communication. Gadgets such as iPods whom I thought would make people less eager to talk to others for the most part don’t have that effect on people. As we say in good old text message lingo Technology FTW (for the win).


Inept Architect said...

Yep, technology does indeed have its fair share of good, bad, and indistinguishable. Only time will tell which side it dwindles into most.

Anonymous said...

Technology provides weapons for war, I'd argue it's consequences will ALWAYS outweigh the benefits.

face said...

Technology's good outweighs the bad. Everything can be described as technology, if you want to get technical. The wheel, medicine, even clothes. The internet lets people all across the world communicate with each other. Of course, facebook and such may have hurt "personal" relationships but it depends on how the individual uses it. At the end of the day, technology has benefited society.

Anonymous said...

lmao@ "technology FTW".
The fact that I can sit here in Australia and instantly comment on a thought you have all the way over in Canada highlights just how amazing technology is. Yes, there are times when people value their little gadgets more than human interaction which sucks but with all positive there is always negative, innit? Let's focus on the positives like me being able to ask you to marry me over the interweb. :-D